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AISI Thanks Senators for Support of Border Measure in Climate Bill

The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) issued the following statement expressing strong support and appreciation to Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and nine of his Senate colleagues for issuing a letter to President Obama expressing their strong support for the inclusion of a border adjustment measure in any climate bill that is crafted by Congress.

 “The steel industry thanks Sen. Brown and his colleagues for their support for the inclusion of a border adjustment measure in climate legislation. As their letter states, manufacturing is the backbone of America. To avoid undermining the environmental objective of the climate legislation and to maintain a level playing field for American manufacturing, a border adjustment measure should be included and take effect at the same time that U.S. producers are subject to increased costs, and should apply to imports from all countries that do not have in place GHG emissions reduction requirements comparable to those adopted in the United States
“American steel manufacturers will be placed at a significant competitive disadvantage unless the cost of compliance with climate policy is either offset or foreign steelmakers are subject to comparable regulation. If a strong border adjustment measure is adopted, the resulting climate policy will reduce greenhouse gases globally while permitting U.S. steelmakers – who are the lowest CO2 emitters in the world – to continue to operate competitively in the global marketplace.”
Thomas J. Gibson
AISI President and CEO


serves as the voice of the North American steel industry in the public policy arena and advances the case for steel in the marketplace as the material of choice. AISI plays a lead role in the development and application of new steels and steelmaking technology. AISI comprises 24 member companies, including integrated and electric furnace steelmakers, and 138 associate and affiliate members who are suppliers to or customers of the steel industry.