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AISI Steel Action Alert: Urge Your Senators to Join the Senate Steel Caucus

The Senate Steel Caucus is an effective, bipartisan group of Senators committed to keeping steel and manufacturing jobs in the U.S. Call or write your Senators today, and ask that they join the Senate Steel Caucus, AISI says in its Steel Action Alert.
Background: Recently reinvigorated, the Senate Steel Caucus is a bipartisan organization which serves as a forum to discuss and address public policy issues impacting the steel industry and its workers. The Senate Steel Caucus is led by Co-Chairs Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) and Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and Vice-Chairs Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Pat Toomey (R-PA).
A strong domestic steel industry is essential to the U.S. economy, directly employing 153,700 people and directly or indirectly supporting more than one million jobs. With many pressing issues challenging the U.S. steel industry, it requires a strong, unified voice in Congress to monitor matters affecting steel, to communicate steel’s views to the Administration where appropriate, and to ensure passage of sound public policies.
With its strong bipartisan leadership, the Senate Steel Caucus is critical to increasing American competitiveness and supporting policies that create jobs.
Situation: The Senate Steel Caucus usually holds several meetings and briefings every year, in addition to sending correspondence on key issues affecting the steel industry, both to the Administration and to Hill Leadership.
This Congress will be debating important legislation on a number of topics that impact the steel industry. The Steel Caucus gives your Senators a bipartisan forum to bridge boundaries and work together to enact public policies that will benefit the steel industry.
Request: Please call or send a letter to your Senators asking that they join the Senate Steel Caucus.