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AISI Says New Report Shows Continued Harm From Unfair Imports

The report was released in a press conference with the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), the Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM), Senators Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Jeff Sessions (R-AL), and the law offices of Stewart and Stewart.
Thomas J. Gibson, president and CEO of AISI, said, "This issue is the number one concern of our members – the steelmaking companies of North America. We applaud Senators Brown and Sessions, and the research done by EPI, which confirms that the steel industry continues to face significant trade and competitive challenges from foreign government trade-distorting policies and practices; and, that a more effective U.S. trade policy is needed to level the playing field, and preserve and strengthen our nation’s manufacturing base.
"As noted in the report released today, it is critical that policymakers work to ensure that the trade laws are strictly enforced. We will continue to advocate for the government to go after unfair trade practices whenever and wherever they occur, and for policy initiatives that address the state-controlled and subsidized foreign steel industries that are fueling this surge that is adversely impacting our workers and our industry," Gibson concluded.
The full report can be linked to at: