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AISI Lauds Plans to Revise Vehicle Emissions Standards

In a statement, AISI president and chief executive Thomas J. Gibson said the institute views the move as positive, explaining that it is an opportunity to see that the full life cycle impact of vehicles are taken into account. 

“We have been working with the EPA toward revisiting this measure, and applaud (the) decision to pause and look at ways the light-duty vehicle program can be addressed to allow assessment of other factors affecting the environment and economy. Sole focus on tailpipe emissions has the potential to produce unintended consequences – both increased cost and negative effects on the environment. We would urge consideration of the full life cycle environmental impact of vehicles, from production through end of life, during this reconsideration process.”

The EPA on Monday said that “in light of recent data, the current standards are not appropriate and should be revised.” 

Gibson said that there are significant differences in emissions arising from the production of advanced high-strength steel and alternative materials, and those differences far outweigh the emissions reductions that come during the driving and recycling phases of a vehicle’s life.