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AISI Endorses Trade, Competitiveness Conclusions of U.S.-China Report

The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) reports that it “soundly endorses” key trade and competitiveness-related conclusions contained in the 2009 Annual Report to Congress recently issued by the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission.
“This report further underscores the severity of harm being caused by China’s protectionist practices, which are undercutting U.S. manufacturing while repeatedly sidestepping its WTO obligations,” AISI President and CEO Thomas J. Gibson said. “AISI has been urging action on these issues for many years, now. China’s unfair and injurious trade policies must be challenged before they further hollow out America’s manufacturing base, particularly at a time when the nation’s unemployment rate is at a 26-year-high record and 200,000 more manufacturing jobs are being lost every month.”
The report addresses, among other issues, China’s continued use of subsidies and other trade-distorting measures that are in violation of its international commitments. As a result of this conclusion and others, Gibson urged the Administration “to review carefully the findings and recommendations of the 2009 U.S.-China Commission Report and to take action in the national interest where warranted.”
“Chinese subsidies, currency manipulation, overcapacity, and non-market behavior are undermining the U.S. manufacturing base,” Gibson added. “Thus, there is an urgent need for the U.S. government to: (1) take WTO action to deal with Chinese policies that are prohibited by the WTO, (2) immediately take effective steps to counter China’s manipulation of its currency, (3) pursue bilateral and other consultations to demand true rectification of the market-distorting practices by China, and (4) ensure strong and effective enforcement of U.S. trade laws, particularly our AD/CVD laws.”
AISI serves as the voice of the North American steel industry in the public policy arena and advances the case for steel in the marketplace as the preferred material of choice. AISI also plays a lead role in the development and application of new steels and steelmaking technology. The Institute comprises 24 member companies, including integrated and electric furnace steelmakers, and 138 associate and affiliate members who are suppliers to or customers of the steel industry.