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Agreement Reached with Allegheny Ludlum on Clean Air Violations

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Allegheny County Health Department, and U.S. Department of Justice have reached a settlement agreement with Allegheny Ludlum Corp. (ALC) for alleged Clean Air Act violations at its Natrona silicon steel production plant in Allegheny County, Pa.

As part of the settlement, ALC will pay a $1.6 million civil penalty to be divided equally between the United States and the Allegheny County Health Department. ALC also has agreed to permanently cease steelmaking operations at its Natrona facility by no later than November 30, 2010—a requirement included in the settlement based on an independent business decision by ALC to consolidate steelmaking operations at its nearby Brackenridge plant.
“This settlement will bring cleaner air to Allegheny County,” said EPA Mid-Atlantic Regional Administrator Shawn M. Garvin. “We’re pleased that we could resolve these issues without further litigation, meaning nearby communities will benefit sooner from improved air quality.”

“Allegheny Ludlum’s cooperation in this case demonstrates its long-term commitment to cleaner air and continuing operations here in Allegheny County,” said County Health Director Dr. Bruce W. Dixon.

In March 2006 and June 2007, the Allegheny County Health Department and ALC settled Clean Air Act (CAA) violations of the opacity, or visible emissions limits under the EPA-approved state implementation plan. The settlement required the installation and repair of a baghouse—a pollution collection system—and other air pollution control equipment.

During an EPA inspection in August 2007, the emission control efforts did not bring the company into compliance, and so EPA issued a notice of violation. The alleged CAA violations resolved by this settlement agreement pertain to excessive visible fugitive emissions coming from the Natrona facility’s basic oxygen furnace shop.

Until operations at the Natrona facility cease, the settlement requires the company to take specific steps to minimize visible emissions including charging hot metal at a slow and steady manner and maintaining a double door at the facility.

The settlement is subject to a public comment period and final court approval.