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Aerospace Market Continues Testing New Landing Gear Application Using CUSTOM 465® Stainless Steel

Carpenter Technology Corporation is participating in a multi-year program to qualify CUSTOM 465® stainless steel for landing gear components where ultra-high strength steel is used. This program has recently passed a key development milestone that will lead to the production of prototypes which are expected to undergo flight testing sometime in 2014. Joining Carpenter in this development program are Airbus, Messier-Bugatti-Dowty, and The Advanced Manufacturing Research Center of the University of Sheffield.

The program is supported by the Technology Strategy Board of the British Government.

The development of a stainless steel landing gear solution eliminates the need for cadmium plating and the environmental issues associated with the plating process. Overall production costs would be reduced, time between service intervals would be increased, and the service life of the landing gear would be extended with the use of CUSTOM 465® stainless steel.

Carpenter Technology, based in Wyomissing, Pa., produces and distributes specialty alloys, including stainless steels, titanium alloys and superalloys, and various engineered products.