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3tn: Efficient Storage of Slabs, Billets, Coils and Plate

At Metec, 3tn will for the first time present its technical warehouse management system TWMS/metals. It controls and visualizes transport and storage activities in the metals industry from continuous casting through to the shipment of the finished products and optimizes the use of storage capacities across various warehouses or even plant-wide.

TWMS/metals enables target-oriented storage of slabs, billets, coils and plate, ensuring that the means of transport, such as cranes or cross transfer systems, are efficiently used. The system optimizes crane movements, avoids unnecessary shifting operations – and therefore the associated risk of damaging any stored material – and optimizes the transport activities in general.

The result: optimal storage of all products, short transfer times, efficient use of personnel and means of transport, no damage due to improper storage, and safe working conditions. Moreover, the system reduces the tracing effort to virtually zero.
3tn developed TWMS/metals specifically for the metals industry. The system is preconfigured for all products, means of transport and warehouse arrangements common in this industry. In one direction, it communicates with ERP and MES systems and, in the other direction, with the basic automation systems and the sensor equipment.

Pictured above: The TWMS/metals desktop controls and visualizes transfer and storage operations.