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316 New Apprentices Taken on At ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe

The new apprenticeship year at ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG has begun. As of 1 September the company has taken on a total of 316 apprentices in 21 different occupations — 270 young men and 46 young women.
The apprenticeship occupations for which the company has the greatest demand and which are also the most popular are industrial mechanic (where 75 new apprentices are starting), industrial electronics technician (50 new apprentices) and process mechanic for steel forming (48 new apprentices).
1,115 apprentices in total at all company locations
ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe is currently training 1,115 of its own apprentices and provides training on a contract basis for 100 apprentices from other companies. There are training facilities in Duisburg, Bochum, Dortmund, Kreuztal-Eichen and Finnentrop. “ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe continues to assume social responsibility for the training of young people in the region and offers high-quality apprenticeships, training beyond its own needs,” emphasizes Thomas Schlenz, chief human resources officer at ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe.  
Apprentices in Duisburg, Bochum, Dortmund, Finnentrop, Siegerland
In Duisburg 197 apprentices have begun working life, with 41 learning a commercial occupation and 156 an industrial/technical occupation. In Bochum 46 young people are starting their apprenticeships, three in commercial and 43 in industrial/technical occupations. Dortmund is welcoming 38 apprentices — three commercial and 35 industrial/technical. There are 29 new arrivals in Siegerland, six commercial and 23 industrial/technical. Finnentrop is once again taking on a total of six new apprentices, two of whom are learning a commercial occupation. Apprenticeships generally last three or three-and-a-half years. This can be shortened to two-and-a-half or three years for apprentices showing above-average performance.
Introductory week eases start to working life
To ease the transition from school to working life, all the newcomers will once again attend a five-day initiation course — the company has been organizing this popular introductory week for more than 20 years. During these events, the young people get to know each other, their trainers and team leaders. In self-prepared presentations and interviews the apprentices introduce themselves and pick up useful tips and essential information about their new work environment. For example: What products does ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe make? How is the company organized? But also: Where can I park? Where is the canteen? Where do I get my company ID card? A key focus of the introductory week is health and safety.
Applications for 2014 now being accepted
Incidentally: Applications are now being accepted for 2014. Anyone wishing to start an apprenticeship with ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG in September 2014 can now submit an application online at The prospects are particularly good for young people interested in becoming industrial mechanics, industrial electronics technicians, process mechanics or train/shunter drivers. “In addition to good school grades and good social skills, enthusiasm for technology and complex production processes, and a healthy curiosity are ideal attributes for apprenticeships at our company,” explains Volker Grigo, head of the Duisburg Technical Center.