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2011 World Crude Steel Production Finishes 6.8% Ahead of 2010

Figures released by the World Steel Association show that world crude steel production for the 66 countries reporting stood at an estimated 1526.9 million tonnes for the full twelve months of 2011, 6.8% higher in comparison with 2010 and a record for global crude steel production. While most steel producing countries (other than Japan and Spain) showed increased crude steel production during the full year 2011, growth was particularly robust in Turkey, South Korea and Italy.
The following countries produced the greatest quantities of crude steel in 2011. The number in parentheses reflects that country’s percentage change in production tonnage compared to 2010:
·         China, 695.5 million tonnes (+8.9%)
·         Japan, 107.5 million tonnes (-1.8%)
·         United States, 86.2 million tonnes (+7.1%)
·         India, 72.2 million tonnes (+5.7%)
·         Russia, 68.7 million tonnes (+2.7%)
·         South Korea, 68.5 million tonnes (+16.2%)
·         Germany, 44.3 million tonnes (+1.0%)
·         Ukraine, 35.3 million tonnes (+5.7%)
·         Brazil, 35.2 million tonnes (+6.8%)
·         Turkey, 34.1 million tonnes (+17.0%)
In December 2011, world crude steel production was 117.1 million tonnes, an increase of 1.7% compared to December 2010.
China logged a 1% year-on-year increase, while production for the balance of the world (excluding China’s production) increased about 2.6% vs. December 2010. Year-on-year changes (December 2011 vs. December 2010) included both increases and decreases that varied widely throughout all regions.
World Steel Production, Dec. '11
% of Dec. '11 Total
Change vs. Dec. '10
EU (27)
Other EU
N. America
S. America
Middle East
According to the Association, crude steel capacity utilization ratio of the 64 countries in December 2011 was 71.7%, a slight decline compared to 73.3% in November 2011. Compared to December 2010, the utilization ratio in December 2011 is -2.1 percentage points lower.
December and Full-Year Production by Region — Weighing in at 63.7% of total world production for December 2011 (vs. 62.4% the previous month), production in Asiastood at 74.58 million tonnes in December, 1% higher than in December 2010. Taiwan (+10%), South Korea (+7%), India (+7%) logged the region’s largest percentage increases vs. December 2010.
Representing 44.6% of world production for December (vs. 44.4% the previous month), China’s production was reported at 52.16 million tonnes in December. China’s reported production represents a 4.6% increase compared to the previous month, and a 1% increase vs. December 2010.
For the full year 2011, the countries of Asiareported the production of 954.19 million tonnes of crude steel, an 8% increase vs. the comparable year-ago period. Most countries in the region (other than South Korea (+16%) and Taiwan (+15%)) logged single-digit increases vs. the previous year.
The twenty-seven countries of the European Union (EU(27)) produced 12.54 million tonnes of crude steel in December, down 1% from December 2010. Comparing December 2011 to December 2010, crude steel production grew significantly in Greece (57%) and Romania (54%), while Slovakia, Slovenia and Austria reported double-digit decreases over the same period. 
Altogether, the countries in the EU27 contributed 10.7% of the total reported world production in December 2010, vs. 12.3% the previous month.
For the full year 2011, the countries of EU(27) reported the production of 177.43 million tonnes of crude steel, a 3% increase vs. the comparable year-ago period. Countries in the region are reporting a range of YTD increases and decreases vs. the previous year.
Production in Other Europe totaled 3.35 million tonnes in December, an increase of 12% compared to December 2010. The most significant increases were recorded in Norway (+39%) and Bosnia-Herzegovina (+31%), while the largest decrease was reported by Croatia (-55.0%). Altogether, the countries in Other Europe contributed 2.9% of the total reported world production in December 2011, vs. 2.7% in the previous month.
For the full year 2011, the countries of Other Europe reported the production of 37.18 million tonnes of crude steel, a 17% increase vs. 2010. Countries in the region reported a range of single- to double-digit increases vs. the previous year.
Production in the countries of the CIStotaled 9.32 million tonnes in December, reflecting a 1% increase compared to December 2010. While Kazakhstan (+16%) and Uzbekistan (+11%) reported the largest increases vs. December 2010, other countries reported smaller increases or decreases. Altogether, the CIS countries contributed 8.0% of the total reported world production in December 2011, vs. 7.9% the previous month.
For the full year 2011, the countries of the CISreported the production of 112.43 million tonnes of crude steel, a 4.0% increase vs. 2010. Countries in the region reported a range of single- and double-digit increases vs. the previous year.
North American production totaled 10.13 million tonnes in December, a 10% increase in comparison to December 2010. Comparing December 2011 to December 2010, the largest percentage increases were recorded in Guatemala (+67%) and El Salvador (+43%), while a decrease (-4%) was reported by Cuba. Altogether, the North American countries contributed 8.7% of the total reported world production in December 2011, vs. 8.6% in the previous month.
For the full year 2011, the countries in North America reported the production of 118.93 million tonnes of crude steel, a 7% increase vs. 2010. Although most countries in the region are reporting single-digit increases vs. the previous year, exceptions include El Salvador (+56%) and Guatemala (+62%).
South American production for December 2011 totaled 3.80 million tonnes, a 10% increase compared to December 2010. The region’s largest percentage increases took effect in Paraguay (+100%), Uruguay (+33%) and Argentina (+22%). Altogether, the South American countries contributed 3.2% of the total reported world production in December 2011, vs. 3.4% the previous month.
 For the full year 2010, the countries in South America reported the production of 48.36 million tonnes of crude steel, a 10% increase vs. 2010. Most countries in the region are reporting single- or double-digit increases vs. the previous year, with the exception of Paraguay (-49%).
Production in Africa totaled 1.20 million tonnes in December 2011, a 2.0% increase compared to December 2010. Comparing December 2011 to December 2010, the largest percentage increase was recorded in South Africa (+63%), while losses were reported by Libya (-100%), Algeria (-42%) and Egypt (-15%). The African countries contributed 1.0% of the total reported world production in December 2011.
For the full year 2011, Africareported the production of 13.97 million tonnes of crude steel, a 14% decrease vs. 2010. Countries in this region are reporting single- or double-digit decreases vs. the previous year.
Production in the Middle East totaled 1.72 million tonnes in December 2011, a 4% increase compared to December 2010. Comparing December 2011 to December 2010, the decreases were recorded in Iran (-1%) and Qatar (-3%) while Saudi Arabia reported an increase (21%). Altogether, the countries of the Middle East contributed 1.5% of the total reported world production in December 2011, vs. 1.4% the previous month.
For the full year 2010, the Middle East reported the production of 20.33 million tonnes of crude steel, a 7% increase vs. 2010.
Production in Oceania totaled 0.42 million tonnes in December 2011, a 38% decrease compared to December 2010. Altogether, the countries of Oceania contributed 0.4% of the total reported world production in December 2011.
For the full year 2010, Oceania reported the production of 7.25 million tonnes of crude steel, an 11% decrease vs. 2010.
Total world production for December 2011 increased 1% compared to the previous month, November 2010, and increased by 2% compared to December 2010.