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Tenova to Install Five Consteel Plants in Asia

Tenova has been contracted to install five new Consteel® plants in Asia, including a system capable of producing 360 tonnes of steel per hour—the highest installed capacity in the world—for Tokyo Steel’s new steel plant currently under construction in Kurashiki, Japan.
The Consteel installation will feed scrap into an electric furnace with a nominal tapping capacity of 300 tonnes and a total capacity of 420 tonnes, which will be installed in the new steel plant. The system will begin operations by mid-2009.
Tenova will also supply two Consteel® systems for two new electric furnaces at the Asan Bay steelworks of Korea’s Dong Bu Steel Co. The total capacity of Dong Bu’s two Consteel melting units will be more than 400 tonnes/hour. The new steelplant is expected to begin operations during 2009.
Another Consteel will be installed in China at the workshops of Anshan Heavy Machine
Manufacturing Co., a sister company within the large Anben Group based in the city of
Anshan. Anshan’s Consteel will be unique, as it will be integrated to an EAF with tapping sizes ranging from 60 to 120 tonnes. The EAF feeds a foundry plant producing medium- to large-sized ingots. Startup is foreseen by the end of 2008.
The latest Consteel order was awarded by a Vietnamese private investor planning to produce approximately 400,000 tonnes per year of billet. The new steel plant will be located in the industrial zone of Haiphong, North Vietnam, and the startup is foreseen by the end of 2008.
At this stage, 30 Consteel installations have been awarded worldwide to Tenova, all of them fully operational or currently under construction.
Tenova designs and supplies advanced technologies, products and services for the metals and mining industries. Tenova operates close to its customers through a network of 20 companies based in 14 different countries.