Zachary Shepard - 2018 Steel Intern Scholar
First, I would like to thank AIST and Metal Technologies for all the support they have given me throughout my three internships. This past summer I was both a product and project engineering intern at Metal Technologies Auburn Casting Facility and Corporate Office. While at Metal Technologies Auburn Casting Facility, I worked on projects within all different departments of our iron foundry. I was given the opportunity to work on several value-added projects that benefited both safety and process of the production floor. I designed and implemented grinder guards to protect individuals in our finishing department from accidental contact with our large grinding wheels. Another focus of mine while at the foundry this summer was to design, implement and document a way to soundproof a loud piece of machinery on the production floor. Upon soundproofing this device, the transmitted sound from it decreased from 120 dB to an average of 84 dB. This soundproofing method is set to be implemented in our other iron foundries.
My time in project engineering at the Corporate Office allowed me to work on multi-million-dollar capital projects at all our facilities. This position allowed me to communicate with people of all facets from contractors, to other engineering disciplines, to production floor workers. The most challenging part of this internship was coming up with solutions for projects in areas that I did not have a lot of background in.
My internship has allowed me to explore the continual improvement in safety required in the iron industry while learning from knowledgeable and highly ambitious team members at Metal Technologies Auburn Casting Facility. I have gained a strong appreciation for project engineers who manage and implement capital projects. Working in the project engineering group was an incredible experience in which I gained amazing teamwork skills and a focus on detail all while enhancing my communication skills.
The opportunity offered through this scholarship and Metal Technologies has allowed me to find a passion for the iron industry and narrow my focus for my post-college career. AIST’s generosity has allowed me to focus on my schooling rather than the financial burden associated with going to college. Once again, I would like to thank both AIST and Metal Technologies for the opportunities presented to me. I have found an industry that I am truly interested in seeing advance and grow and am excited to see what the future has in store for me.