Logan A. Bader - 2017 Steel Intern Scholar

To start, a special thank you to AIST for selecting me as a Steel Intern Scholar. Financially, this scholarship covers the out of pocket cost that I would otherwise have to cover to attend Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T). As an intern at Nucor Steel in Memphis, Tenn., USA, this summer, I had the opportunity to dive into the process of making steel in the meltshop, specifically focusing on the caster. While at the caster, my focus was on evaluating the cost savings, change of steel properties and improvement of cleanliness associated with possible process changes. The production of special bar quality (SBQ) steel requires special attention to creating high-quality steels at a sustainable cost in the safest manner. My internship allowed me to explore the continual improvement in safety needed in the steel industry, and to learn from knowledgeable, highly technical and safety focused teammates at Nucor Steel Memphis Inc. The opportunity offered through this scholarship has allowed me to find my passion for steel and to narrow my focus for my current and post-college career plans. After this internship, I plan to become more actively involved at the Kent D. Peaslee Steel Manufacturing Research Center at Missouri S&T to explore new ideas in the steel industry and become a better metallurgical engineer. I am also planning to seek out opportunities in a different steel product other than SBQ or a steel forging company for my next internship to expose myself to new and exciting steel pathways for learning. After graduation, I see myself working in a steel-focused career. The experience associated with this opportunity given to me by AIST and Nucor Steel has led to that vision, and for that I am forever grateful for the amazing experiences that my time as a Steel Intern Scholar provided.