Michelle D. McKinney - 2016 Steel Intern Scholar

This summer I was fortunate to have the opportunity to be a metallurgy intern in the meltshop at Nucor Steel Marion Inc. I have had the chance to work on some amazing projects and help out in the community because of my Nucor internship. I have learned so much about the steel industry this summer. As I approach my last year as an undergrad, I will be looking into full-time jobs in the steel industry. One project I had was to rewrite the plant’s scrap manual. I collected manuals from different locations within and outside of Nucor to improve specifications for clarity and accuracy. I worked extensively with the scrap inspector to make sure that I understood what we were looking for and to learn as much as I could about the scrap used in the furnace. My final product was a manual that is clear and easy to understand for both our own division and our suppliers. Another project I worked on concerned nitrogen pickup in the billets we make for our customers. We were looking to make a billet under a certain nitrogen content. I collected a wide range of samples to determine the amount of nitrogen present across the entire line of products made at Nucor Steel Marion Inc. After determining relevant nitrogen sources, I ran a trial to determine if the right nitrogen content could be obtained through the process. I found that it is possible to obtain the right content of nitrogen when certain process variables are controlled. I am grateful to Nucor and AIST for this incredible opportunity. Because of a major change early on in my school career, I have a fifth year to complete before I receive my undergraduate degree. Through the generosity of AIST and other organizations, I do not need any more financial assistance than I did before I changed majors. This award means so much to me and my family, and I would just like to thank AIST for their amazing generosity.

This summer I was fortunate to have the opportunity to be a metallurgy intern in the meltshop at Nucor Steel Marion Inc. I have had the chance to work on some amazing projects and help out in the community because of my Nucor internship. I have learned so much about the steel industry this summer. As I approach my last year as an undergrad, I will be looking into full-time jobs in the steel industry. One project I had was to rewrite the plant’s scrap manual. I collected manuals from different locations within and outside of Nucor to improve specifications for clarity and accuracy. I worked extensively with the scrap inspector to make sure that I understood what we were looking for and to learn as much as I could about the scrap used in the furnace. My final product was a manual that is clear and easy to understand for both our own division and our suppliers. Another project I worked on concerned nitrogen pickup in the billets we make for our customers. We were looking to make a billet under a certain nitrogen content. I collected a wide range of samples to determine the amount of nitrogen present across the entire line of products made at Nucor Steel Marion Inc. After determining relevant nitrogen sources, I ran a trial to determine if the right nitrogen content could be obtained through the process. I found that it is possible to obtain the right content of nitrogen when certain process variables are controlled. I am grateful to Nucor and AIST for this incredible opportunity. Because of a major change early on in my school career, I have a fifth year to complete before I receive my undergraduate degree. Through the generosity of AIST and other organizations, I do not need any more financial assistance than I did before I changed majors. This award means so much to me and my family, and I would just like to thank AIST for their amazing generosity.