The Value of Industry Internships


2015 Steel Premier Internship scholar


Dustin A. Arvola
 Internship: Steel Dynamics Inc. – Flat Roll Group Butler
 Butler, IN, USA


2015 Steel Internship scholars


Nicklas C. Barber
 Internship: ArcelorMittal Indiana Harbor
East Chicago, IN, USA


Zachary M. Corey
 Internship: Steel Dynamics Inc. – Roanoke Bar Div.

Roanoke, VA, USA


Mark C. Emmendorfer
 Internship: Spokane Industries
 Spokane, WA, USA


Cameron J. LaPresta
 Internship: Miller Centrifugal Castings International

McDonald, PA, USA


Joseph L. Ogea
 Internship: SSAB Americas
 Muscatime, IA, USA


Tyler S. Rigby
 Internship: Nucor Steel–Nebraska
 Norfolk, NE, USA


David G. Sedrak
 Internship: ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor
 Burns Harbor, IN, USA


Aaron S. Weir
 Internship: AK Steel Corp. – Butler Works
 Butler, PA, USA


Sydney G. Weiss
 Internship: ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor

Burns Harbor, IN, USA


Maggie L. Zhang
 Internship: Nucor Steel Tuscaloosa Inc.
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA