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Steel Dynamics to Begin Shipping Standard Rail to Major Railroads

Steel Dynamics, Inc. has begun commercial production of Standard Strength rails that meet all current AREMA specifications. The company’s Structural & Rail Division at Columbia City, Ind., produces the rail in lengths up to 240 ft and is capable of producing 300,000 tons of rail per year.
Steel Dynamics also notes that its Standard Strength rail, after extensive internal research, development, and evaluation, has been tested and qualified by the first of the seven North American Class I railroads that are potential customers. Shipments are expected to begin in the second quarter. Evaluations by other Class I railroads are underway and are expected to result in additional approvals in the near future.
To secure this certification, samples of the rail produced at its rail mill have undergone rigorous evaluations by independent testing laboratories to certify adherence to the AREMA specifications. AREMA (American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association) is the professional organization that sets standards for design, construction, and maintenance of America's railroad infrastructure.
Steel Dynamics employs its on-site rail welding plant to weld rails together into continuously welded rail strings 1600 ft in length. The company recently completed major modifications to the rail-welding plant that allow it to operate year-round on an uninterrupted basis.
"We believe the renewed emphasis on both freight and passenger rail transportation in North America provides a unique growth opportunity for Steel Dynamics,” said Dick Teets, President and COO of SDI's Steel Operations. “We expect the investments we have made, our cost advantage, and our focus on delivering differentiated, quality products will allow SDI to grow quickly to become a major provider of rail to all of the North American railroad industry."