Member Benefits
New career opportunities await! AIST provides a wide range of education and networking experiences to enhance your professional development. AIST's incomparable network represents decades of experience in the iron and steel industry.
Members receive
A subscription to our monthly journal, Iron & Steel Technology, the premier technical journal for metallurgical, engineering, operating and maintenance personnel in the global iron and steel industry.
Discounts on publications at AIST's Bookstore.
Access to the AIST Digital Library, an online library with nearly 10,000 downloadable conference proceedings, journal articles, industry data and month issues of Iron & Steel Technology. AIST members can download 25 technical articles per quarter.
Access to 29 Technology Committees, a network of peers meeting on a regular basis to solve problems and foster the advancement of steel technology across a wide spectrum of disciplines.
Access to 21 regional Member Chapter programs, a grassroots level of volunteers committed to facilitating the exchange of ideas and strengthening AIST's global network.
Access to 85 Student Chapters, a network of college and university students interested in materials science and engineering careers.
Industry acknowledgment through the AIST Awards and Recognition Program.
Discounted registration for all AIST major event forums, including AISTech, MS&T and Technology Training Conferences.
Access to the AIST Buyers' Guide.
Additional Benefits Available as part of the ABM-AIST Combi-Membership
As an AIST member, you are able to join the Associação Brasileira de Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração (ABM) at a reduced membership rate. This partnership provides AIST members with the opportunity to obtain ABM membership at a reduced rate and gain in-depth information about the Brazilian steel industry. Benefits include:
A subscription, 4 issues per year, to ABM’s magazine, Metallurgy and Materials.
Discounts on ABM courses, seminars, conferences, surveys conducted in Metallurgical Information Center and ABM publications sold by the Library of ABM.
Industry acknowledgement through the ABM Awards Recognition Forum, sponsored by business associates and partners, awarded to authors of the best papers presented at the events of the ABM.
- Ability to network with mining and metal professionals.
AIST Young Professional Free Membership
To support the Iron and steel industry of tomorrow we must get young professionals involved and engaged in AIST. Anyone age 30 and under can take advantage of a free year of AIST Membership.