Course Instructor

Professor Emmanuel De Moor

Emmanuel De Moor is assistant professor with the George S. Ansell Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in materials engineering from the University of Ghent, Belgium. His research interests pertain to physical metallurgy of ferrous alloys and understanding inter-relationships between properties, microstructure, alloying and processing history. De Moor is involved in advanced high-strength sheet, plate, wire, rail and forging steel research at the Advanced Steel Processing and Products Research Center, an industry-university cooperative research center at Colorado School of Mines. He currently teaches metallurgical and materials thermodynamics and iron- and steelmaking. He is a recipient of the AIST Kent D. Peaslee junior faculty award, the SAE/AISI Sydney H. Melbourne Award for Excellence in the Advancement of Automotive Sheet Steel and the 2016 Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award.

Course Developer

Professor Dr. Ir. B.C. De Cooman

After 10 years in industrial materials research and research management, Dr. De Cooman started his academic career in ferrous metallurgy research as director of the Laboratory for Iron and Steelmaking at Ghent University in Belgium. His research interests include the solid-state physics of ferrous alloys, materials microanalysis and ferrous products development.In the Graduate Institute of Ferrous Technology (GIFT) at the Pohang University of Technology and Science (POSTECH) in Korea, he leads the Materials Design Laboratory (MDL) and is extensively involved with the development of advanced automotive, electrical, engineering and constructional steels.  The MDL combines processing research expertise in the areas of casting, hot rolling, cold rolling, and continuous annealing and galvanizing with an in-depth analysis of materials performance to develop new steel concepts for industrial applications. Dr. De Cooman earned his Ph.D. from Cornell University.