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Commerce Preliminarily Finds Dumping of Magnesia Carbon Brick from China, Mexico

The Department of Commerce announced on March 4 that it preliminarily determined that Chinese and Mexican producers/exporters have sold magnesia carbon brick in the United States between 132.74 and 349.00%, and 54.73% less than normal value, respectively.
Chinese mandatory respondents Dalian Mayerton Refractories Co., Ltd. & Liaoning Mayerton Refractories Co., Ltd. and RHI Refractories Liaoning Co., Ltd. received preliminary dumping rates of 132.74 and 304.67%, respectively. In this investigation, 12 companies have qualified for a separate rate of 218.71%. All other Chinese producers/exporters will receive a preliminary China-wide dumping rate of 349.00%.
Mexican mandatory respondent RHI-Refmex S.A. de C.V. received a preliminary dumping rate of 54.73%, as did all other Mexican producers/exporters.
As a result of these preliminary determinations, Commerce will instruct U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to collect a cash deposit or bond based on these preliminary rates.
The imported products subject to these antidumping duty (AD) investigations are chemically bonded (resin or pitch) magnesia carbon bricks with a magnesia component of at least 70% magnesia by weight, with carbon levels ranging from trace amounts to 30% by weight.
Resco Products, Inc. (Pa.) filed the petition.
From 2006 to 2008, imports of magnesia carbon bricks from China increased 3.78% by volume and were valued at an estimated $50.8 million in 2008. From 2006 to 2008, imports of certain magnesia carbon bricks from Mexico increased 7.66 percent by volume and were valued at an estimated $7.7 million in 2008.
Commerce is currently scheduled to issue its final determinations in July 2010.