Recording and Photography Policy - Back to Governance Policies

The Association for Iron & Steel Technology (AIST) reserves the right to any still photography, audio, and video reproduction of presentations at every technical session or exhibit. Any recording of sessions presentations, posters, and exhibitor booth displays and/or products by attendees (audio, video, still photography), without the express consent by AIST as well as the presenter or exhibitor, is strictly prohibited. This prohibition includes the taking of photos of slides during presentations or demonstrations unless express consent is given by the presenter. Attendees violating this policy may be asked to leave the session and/or conference.

The Recording and Photography of Event Participants

Outside of presentation and exhibitor settings, event attendees may record or photograph other attendees only when the individual(s) being recorded or photographed provide explicit permission to be recorded or photographed and the specific event is not otherwise designated as a recording-/photography-free zone.

By registering for an AIST event, all attendees acknowledge that they may be photographed and/or recorded by AIST personnel while at events, and that those recordings/images may be used for promotional purposes in AIST publications and websites, and on social media sites. AIST reserves the right to all audio, video, and still photography reproductions of presentations at AIST events.

While AIST encourages any attendee taking photograph(s) or recording(s) to seek permission to take the photograph(s) or make the recording(s), that courtesy may not always be extended. Attendees agree not to hold AIST, their partner organizations, and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, affiliates, members, successors, and assigns (collectively, “Releasees”) liable should they be recorded, photographed, or otherwise referenced in social media, publications, web sites, or other platforms based on their participation in AIST events.