Barry Schneider (left) presented the 2024 AIST John F. Elliott Lecture Award to Sara Hornby (right).


AIST-TMS John F. Elliott Lectureship

►Nomination Form
►Award Recipients

History and Purpose

The AIST-TMS John F. Elliott Lectureship Award was established in 1990. This honorary lectureship is designed to acquaint students and engineers with the exciting opportunities in chemical process metallurgy; inspire them to pursue careers in this field; inform the public of the contributions of chemical process metallurgy and materials chemistry; and honor the late Prof. John Elliott of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for his many accomplishments and the leadership that he provided during his career. Following selection, the award will be presented, and the recipient shall lecture at three or more universities, national or international, throughout the subsequent year. Travel expenses will be reimbursed up to US$10,000. Historical award documentation is available here.

Nomination Process

Nominations shall be made by completing the AIST Award Nomination Form. Three letters of endorsement, a biography and a proposed citation are required with the nomination. The nomination shall address the nominee’s distinguished contributions and communication skills.


This lecturer is selected in recognition of distinguished contributions in chemical process metallurgy and materials chemistry to the iron and steel industry or related fields of study. The nominee shall be an effective communicator and may be from either industry or academia; all nominees shall be made aware of the lectureship duties prior to nomination.


It is intended for recipients from within the iron and steel industry to be recognized at an appropriate AIST venue, and recipients in related fields of study to be recognized at an appropriate TMS venue. Each society shall, at a minimum, include written information about the award and recipient where appropriate, e.g., an awards event program, website, etc.

Selection Process

The award recipient will be selected by a special sub-committee of the AIST Awards and Recognition Program Committee. The selected recipient and recognition venue shall be approved by the AIST board of directors and the TMS board of directors.

Committee Composition

The sub-committee shall consist of five members: three from AIST and two from The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (TMS). The chair shall be one of the members from AIST and all committee members shall serve two-year terms. A committee member may self-elect to renew his or her term up to two times, providing the possibility to remain on the committee for a period of six years. While new committee members are encouraged, a committee member may request to renew his or her term thereafter by seeking approval from the appointing society and upon obtaining the majority vote of the other eligible committee members. The annual committee cycle shall commence 1 July.

About John F. Elliott

John F. Elliott began his tenure as professor of metallurgy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1955. He received a bachelor of metallurgical engineering degree from the University of Minnesota in 1942 and a doctor of science degree from M.I.T. in 1949.
He was a John Simon Guggenheim Fellow at the Imperial College of London and the British Iron and Steel Research Association in 1965.
Dr. Elliott published actively, often with his students as co-authors, in the areas of the chemical thermodynamics and kinetics of phases and reactions important in pyrometallurgical processes and high-temperature corrosion, iron and steelmaking, and process analysis. He was the co-author of two reference volumes on the thermochemistry of steelmaking.
He received the Robert W. Hunt Award in 1954, the Open Hearth Conference Award in 1955, and the John Chipman Award and Charles W. Briggs Award in 1972. He was the Howe Memorial Lecturer in 1963 and the Extractive Metallurgy Division Lecturer in 1975. Dr. Elliott was elected a Fellow of The Metallurgical Society of AIME in 1968. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and of the American Society for Metals and an honorary member of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan. Dr. Elliott was elected a member of the National Academy of Engineering in 1975.