Association For Iron & Steel Technology

Association For Iron & Steel Technology

Since 2018, AIST has offered an AISTech Women in Steel Roundtable. The Roundtable gave women and allies an opportunity to share ideas regarding how AIST can support them in their careers. This served our AISTech community well for six years, but with the inception of a formal Women in Steel Membership Committee, as well as Programming and Awards subcommittees, these groups will take on the responsibility of fostering important discussions and providing ongoing support instead of using AISTech for this purpose.

As an alternative, AIST will hold an industry panel session and soft skills training concurrently from 3 to 4 p.m., and again from 4:15 to 5:15 p.m. 

Advance registration is required and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. There will be a maximum capacity of 50 per session.

AIST Members: US$15

Non-Members: US$25

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Session 1:
3–4 p.m.
4–4:15 p.m.
Session 2:4:15–5:15 p.m.
Reception:5:30–6:30 p.m.

Professional Development Hours
This program may qualify for up to 1 Professional Development Hour (PDH) credit. Upon completion, attendees may request a certificate outlining the PDH credits earned. Please note, it is the responsibility of the attendee to verify with their certifying body whether these courses meet their requirements.

Program #1:

From Groundwork to Greatness: Empowering Women in Steel Manufacturing

In the historically male-dominated steel industry, women continue to break new ground. This panel will explore the unique challenges women encounter in manufacturing, regardless of their educational background, and address social stigma and workplace dynamics. Panelists will share insights from their careers, offering valuable lessons and strategies for overcoming obstacles. Attendees at any stage of their careers will gain practical advice for tackling challenges and find inspiration to confidently pursue their own successful paths.

Moderator: Kelly Dallas, Senior Director, Engineering, Cleveland-Cliffs Inc.


Alacyia Fields, Safety and Health Director, Nucor Steel Lexington 

Cahalan Gibson, Caster/Vacuum Task Degasser Manager, SSAB Special Steels 

Nicole Sweet, Head of End-to-End Recycling — North America, RHI Magnesita

Amy Woods, Quality Manager, Steel Dynamics Inc. – Flat Roll Group Butler Division

Program #2:

Risk-Taking and Mistake-Making: How Fear Is Holding You Back From Innovating

Innovation is crucial for success and growth in any role. Yet, taking bold steps can feel daunting, often leaving you fixated on what could go wrong. Fear of failure and concern over others' judgment may hold you back from even small risks.

In this session, you’ll learn to move past these barriers. By developing the skills to learn from mistakes, break free from rumination, and celebrate successes, you’ll gain both the strategy and courage to embrace risk and foster positive change.

Key Takeaways:

•    Build self-awareness around perfectionism and rumination.

•    Learn strategies to help you get comfortable taking risks.

•    Create a plan to bounce back from mistakes.

•    Learn how to celebrate success.

Instructor: Rebecca Malotke-Meslin, Founder, Pleasantly Aggressive Coaching & Consulting 

5-8 May 2025  |  Music City Center
201 Rep. John Lewis Way South | Nashville, TN 37203, USA 
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