Specialty Alloy & Foundry Technology Committee Meeting

7 May 2025Music City Center, Room 101C • Nashville, TN, USA

►Agenda (PDF)
►Register or contact ldlugopolski@aist.org

  1. Chair’s opening remarks – Caelan Kennedy     <Noon>
  2. Appoint minute-taker
  3. Antitrust guidelines
  4. Membership and attendance
  5. Review minutes of previous meeting – 3-5 March
  6. AIST Staff Announcements
  7. Main agenda items

“MISSION: To serve and provide members producing stainless steel, specialty alloy steel, and foundry operations a forum for technical information exchange between producers and suppliers involved in these specialty markets through technical presentations, plant tours, and member networking to promote process advancements, cost-effective practices and safe operating procedures.”

  1. Discussion items
  2. Distinguished Service Recognition
  3. Next meeting – Fall:      Monday 6 October 2025, Birmingham, AL          

                                                   (at Specialty Melting, Refining, and Casting –                

                                                    A Practical Training Seminar)

                          Spring: Monday 2 March – Wednesday 4 March 2026, 

                                         Location TBD

  1. Chair conclusion
  2. Adjourn       <1:30pm>