AISTech Young Professionals Roundtables

AISTech 2024 Young Professionals Roundtable

The AISTech 2024 Young Professionals’ Roundtable took place Sunday, 5 May 2024, at the Hilton Columbus Downtown. This year’s roundtable theme was “Building a Stronger Iron & Steel Industry of Today and Tomorrow.” AIST’s goal for the roundtable was to work together to identify opportunities that we may better support and invest in the growth, education and retention of the industry’s successors and future leaders — Young Professionals.

The session began with an exciting announcement — the AIST Board of Directors approved the establishment of the AIST Young Professionals Membership Committee (YPMC). All AIST members 35 years of age or younger are invited to join the YPMC. The committee activities will operate under four subcommittees: Engagement, Programming, Student Outreach and Awards. Getting involved in the AIST YPMC will allow Young Professionals the chance to meet, connect and grow their steel industry network with peers who are navigating similar life experiences. More information on the YPMC, the four subcommittees, their respective leadership and the benefits of joining can be found here.

After sharing this inaugural AIST program development, the Young Professionals participated in two separate rounds of breakout discussion. Attendees connected with new peers during each rotation, which allowed them to make meaningful connections with as many participants as possible.

During the first breakout cycle, attendees talked about ways that AIST might be able to grow Young Professional membership. The discussion during this session was meant to help frame their mindset to draft more tangible ideas during the second breakout rotation. After 20 minutes passed, attendees met with a new group of participants for another round of small-group conversation. During the second breakout period, attendees brainstormed ways to get more Young Professionals engaged in the association. Each group came up with three actionable ideas for a new Young Professionals program, event, activity or conference. To wrap up the breakout discussion, everyone shared the group proposals and voted on their favorite ideas to help determine what AIST and the new YPMC should implement during the first year of programming. Throughout the fruitful discussion, AIST identified many new ideas to better support and invest in the growth, education, and retention of all Young Professionals in the steel industry.

To help close out the productive session, incoming AIST president and the vice president of Operations at SSAB Americas, Tom Toner, came to address the Young Professionals. He shared words of advice and encouragement as they headed into a big week of opportunity at AISTech.

At the conclusion of the event, all the Young Professionals expressed that they appreciated the roundtable discussion and were excited about the launch of the new YPMC. Everyone left feeling energized and passionate about the opportunities that the committee will bring to all iron and steel Young Professionals industrywide.

AISTech 2023 Young Professionals Roundtable

The AISTech 2023 Young Professionals’ Roundtable took place Sunday, 7 May 2023, at the Detroit Marriott Renaissance Center. This year’s roundtable theme was “Young Professional to Young Leader — Preparing for the Next Step.”

AIST’s goal for the roundtable was to give the attendees a chance to network and learn from each other’s industry experiences in hopes that they walk away with new ideas to grow and build their own personal careers.

The attendees began the session by hearing from incoming AIST president Barry Schneider, president and chief operating officer of Steel Dynamics Inc. Schneider shared insights on his career journey and progression, including how he’s prepared himself for new opportunities and roles along the way.

After receiving advice and perspectives from an industry leader, the Young Professionals participated in two rounds of breakout discussion about skills and tactics that will help them prepare for next steps in their own careers. This allowed for everyone to actively engage in small-group conversation and connect with as many colleagues as possible, as the attendees met new faces during each group rotation.

During the first breakout cycle, attendees talked about the value of mentorship and how to make professional development a priority. After some time had passed, AIST reassigned the table and seat arrangements, so all participants could expand their connections and interact with different people. During the second round of small-group conversation, attendees discussed the importance of effective communication and how to improve their skills and awareness to best impact their team’s success.

At the conclusion of the event, all the Young Professionals expressed that they appreciated the roundtable discussion and learned some valuable lessons from their peers. Everyone left feeling very energized and passionate about taking their iron and steel careers to new the next level.

AISTech 2022 Young Professionals Roundtable

The AISTech 2022 Young Professionals’ Roundtable theme was “Engagement Through Networking.”

AIST’s goal for the roundtable was simply to give the attendees a chance to network and learn from each other’s industry experiences in hopes that they walk away with new ideas to grow and build their own personal careers.

The attendees began the session by hearing insights and perspectives from two AIST members who recently surpassed the Young Professionals’ 30 years of age and younger bracket — they returned to offer some career advice for the attendees. After they kicked off the session, participants rotated through two rounds of breakout discussion. This allowed for everyone to actively engage in small-group conversation but also to connect with as many colleagues as possible, as the attendees met new faces during each group rotation.

During the first breakout cycle, attendees focused on finding industry peers who share their passions and discussed ways to grow their iron and steel network. After some time had passed, AIST reassigned the table and seat arrangements, so all participants could expand their connections and interact with different people. During the second round of small-group conversation, attendees learned about new resources and tactics that can help take their professional development to the next level.

At the conclusion of the event, all the Young Professionals expressed that they appreciated the roundtable discussion and learned some valuable lessons from their peers. Everyone left feeling energized and passionate about taking their careers to new heights through more partnership and engagement in AIST.

AISTech 2021 Young Professionals Roundtable

The AISTech 2021 Young Professionals’ Roundtable theme was “Transition and Growth — Navigating Your Way With AIST.” Young Professionals discussed the support they need to triumph through change and establish the foundation for successful careers. The 32 attendees were split into six groups, allowing for opportunities to actively engage in small-sided conversations, share honest feedback and connect with their peers. Each table was asked to reflect on a specific point within the early stages of their career, brainstorm resources that would have better supported them through that time and capture tactics they used to progress during that period. At the end of the group discussion, a representative from each group shared the team’s ideas and suggestions.

While the main goal of the roundtable is always to provide an opportunity for Young Professionals to connect and network with one another, a unique goal of this session was to assist AIST in developing a guide complete with tips and best practices for Young Professionals to use as they join the industry.

The group conversation was encouraging and filled with unique insights that will lead to the development of new AIST tools to support the evolution of the Young Professionals Program.

AISTech 2019 Young Professionals Roundtable

Passion and energy filled the room at the sold-out Young Professionals’ Roundtable at AISTech 2019. Twenty-five professionals under the age of 30 gathered on the afternoon of 5 May 2019 to discuss the obstacles they face in their rising steel industry careers and brainstorm on ways AIST could support their peers. Participants were separated into four groups, giving them a chance to share honest feedback, success stories and new ideas. At the end of the discussion, a representative from each group presented their ideas, and attendees selected the key points they felt were most important. AIST received substantial feedback on how to provide more value to young professionals and continue to grow the program.