Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter

Young Engineers' Night 

Thursday, 20 March 2025Sheraton Suites Akron Cuyahoga Falls • Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, USA

▶Register Now

Schedule of Events

5:30 p.m.  Reception

6:30 p.m.  Dinner followed by presentations


US$80 Per Person
US$640 Company-Sponsored Table of 8
US$150 Reception Sponsorship

Prices include 1 hour open-bar reception and dinner

Non-members and guests welcome. Reservations are required. 

Students attend for free! Register via AIST Steel to Students

Guest Speakers

Azariah RogersSuperior Engineering

Braden DowneyStevens Construction

Eric Howell Metallus

Reservations must be received by Friday, 14 March.

No refunds available after this date.

Proceeds from this event fund continuing education programs and AIST Northeastern Ohio Member Chapter Scholarships.


Contact Yvonne VanCamp, Chapter treasurer 
+1.330.533.0030 x1822

Bring Your Own Young Professional (BYOYP) Program

BYOYPAIST recently launched the Bring Your Own Young Professional (BYOYP) program to encourage our members to help boost the next generation’s involvement in AIST and the steel industry. If you are an AIST member and are bringing a Young Professional (age 30 and under) to the conference, you can receive a free gift. All you have to do is enter their contact information on the registration form when you sign up for the conference. Find out more information about the program here.